Tagged: London

Doctor denies sex assault on female patient in Islington surgery

Blackfriars Crown Court

Females are safe nowhere alone with Muslim males even those who are educated and hold responsible positions. They are unable to control their perverted sexual urges. Choosing to let their hands go wandering without engaging their brain regardless what they risk by doing so.

Dr Adel Elalfy chose to throw away his entire career and risk going to prison all for a quick grope of a female patient. With that kind of mentality it is half understandable why they have sex segregation and burkas in the Muslim world. Because the men are dirty perverts and cannot be trusted.

GP had lost his self control

A doctor ‘lost his self control’ and fondled a young and seriously ill woman’s genitals when she came in for an examination, a court heard.

The terrified victim – who suffers from a degenerative brain disease and walks with a crutch – claimed GP Adel Elalfy rubbed her clitoris and vaginal area when she visited a surgery in Bingfield Street, Islington, with a suspected bladder infection.

With her normal doctor off duty she said Elalfy, a locum doctor from Stafford, pulled down her leggings and underwear and sexually assaulted her twice, before asking a series of personal questions and sending her home untreated, she told Blackfriars Crown Court.

The 36-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said: “He pulled my leggings and underwear down just above the pubic bone and started to feel my tummy.

“He put his hand in my underwear and moved about on my clitoral area and, you know, the vaginal area.

“There was pressure and circular movements. I was shocked.”

She says she pulled away and told him where the pain was “thinking he must have misunderstood” but when he did the same again with “maybe a bit more pressure” she thought “this is not a mistake, he knows what he is doing and it isn’t right”.

Elalfy then alledgedly asked her a series of personal questions, including if she had a partner and whether she lived alone.

She said: “It was really weird, I was in total shock. I just wanted to get out of there but I was so ill.’’

When she left, she claims, the doctor couldn’t look her in the eye. She met her partner in the waiting room and said “I think I’ve been molested”.

Opening the prosection, Sam Brown said the alleged assault took place while the doctor was not wearing medical gloves.

He said: “The defendant touched her in an intimate manner and placed his hands on her clitoris and his fingers inside the lip of her vagina on two occasions.”

“This was committed by a person in whom this young woman who have had trust and confidence, in a location where she would and should have expected to feel safe.”

He added: “It seems for reasons of his own this defendant lost his self control and sexually assaulted a person who he thought might not have fully appreciated what had happened to her or done anything about it.

Elalfy, of Baswich Lane, Stafford, denies all charges.

The trial continues.

source: Islington Gazette / Kafir Crusaders

LONDON: Sharia police harass woman in the park walking her dog near the Muslim NO-GO zone of Tower Hamlets.


This video is about a woman who was being irrationally treated by what appears to be a muslim bylaw officer on the matter of invisible dog droppings in Tower Hamlet, one of the most enriched areas of England.

Meet Theo… the not so strong arm of the law now patrolling a street near you

OVER the past month, commuters travelling on the Tube through London’s East End have been greeted by posters plastered on station walls. In bold letters above a picture of two uniformed officers patrolling the capital’s streets, the billboards invite the public to “Meet the THEOs”.


In fact, they work for Tower Hamlets Council. Theo stands for Tower Hamlets Enforce­ment Officer. But just days into their duties these sub-plastic bobbies – who have one week’s training with real police – are already being dubbed Keystone Kops. However, they are no joke. They represent a largely unnoticed but growing trend by councils to assemble their own mini-police forces, accountable to politicians rather than the public. They are so popular in the corridors of Whitehall that the Government’s “crime tzar” Louise Casey has told councils she is impressed.

And an article straight to the point here:

A park attendant called for police “back-up” after threatening a woman for arrest over an elusive dog foul.

Amber Langtry, 35, was walking her dog with a friend on New Year’s Day when a lone Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officer accused her of not clearing up after her pet. When she explained to the officer that he’d made a mistake and asked to see the offending evidence, he refused to show her, then pointed to a spot in the opposite direction to where Miss Langtry’s dog had been. He then proceeded to issue her with a ticket and called the police.

Is this enforcing sharia norms in Tower Hamlets? Or just some good old fashioned 3rd world corruption based on salary over tickets written. My money is on both.

source: Vlad Tepes /  Daily Express

Liberty GB – The Non-economic Costs of Mass Immigration to the UK

Debate about the costs of mass immigration in mainstream politics and media concentrate overwhelmingly on the economic costs. Indeed, public debate is very often solely about the economics, whether that be the difference between tax paid and benefits drawn by immigrants or the supposed need for immigrants because of their alleged superior skills or work ethic.

These costs are important – although never honestly calculated – but the more damaging costs are the non-economic ones which change the tenor of a society. That is not to say that the non-economic costs do not have economic implications – for example, the 2011 riots in England did – but what I am considering here are the psychological and sociological costs. I concentrate on Britain, but the vast majority of the points listed apply to any First World society with a large immigrant population, and many of the points apply to any society, rich or poor, which has suffered a large influx of immigrants. The non-economic costs to Britain are:

Migrants will soon have the same rights as other EU citizens to live and work throughout Europe [TIM CLARKE]

1. The colonisation of parts of the UK, especially in England, for example much of inner London, Leicester, Birmingham and Bradford, by immigrants who create separate worlds in which to live with next to no attempt at integration. This makes living in such areas for native Britons very problematic, because not only will they feel they are a minority in their own land – a severe psychological burden –, but those native Britons who are parents will have a very real concern that the state schools (where the large majority of British pupils are educated) in their area will be Towers of Babel in which their children will be neglected, taught more of the cultures of immigrants than their own culture and quite probably bullied simply for being native Britons. The poorer native Britons in such areas will often not have the option of moving – as white liberals frequently do – to an area where there are few immigrants, because of the cost of moving, especially the cost of housing. It is also much more difficult for someone in an unskilled or low-skilled occupation to find such work in areas without a large immigrant component.

2. The damaging effect on the morale of the native British population of seeing parts of their country colonised with the connivance of their elites.

3. The damaging effect on the morale of the native British population of employers and politicians claiming that immigrants are more able and possessed of a superior work ethic than the native Briton.

4. Immigrant ghettoes. Their formation is a natural tendency amongst immigrants, which was given a great deal of added energy by the British elite’s adoption of multiculturalism in the 1970s. This was both a consequence of the left-liberal internationalist terminally naïve happy-clappy ‘we are all one big human family’ ideology and an attempt to ameliorate when it became clear that assimilation/ integration had not taken place amongst the black and Asian immigrants of the fifties and sixties after several generations had been born in Britain. The effect has been to create long-lasting ghettoes which are not only separate from the British mainstream but hostile to Britain, its native population and its culture

5. Censorship. The need by the British elite to suppress dissent amongst the native population at the invasion of their country has resulted in a gross diminution of free speech. They have done this through legislation, for example, the Race Relations Act 1976, Public Order Act 1986 and the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000; by creating a willingness amongst the police to intimidate by pouncing with the greatest zeal on those who dare to be any other than rigidly politically correct in the matter of race and immigration (this done frequently with no intention of bringing charges because no law on the statute book will fit the PC ‘crime’ but simply to frighten); and through the complicity of those in the media and employers (especially public sector and large private employers) to punish the politically incorrect heretics with media hate campaigns or the loss of jobs.

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6. Double standards in law enforcement. As mentioned above, the police and the Crown Prosecution Service show great eagerness in investigating and prosecuting cases when a white person (especially a white Briton) is accused of being racist on the flimsiest of evidence and a remarkable sloth where someone from a racial or ethnic minority group has been blatantly racist. The case of Rhea Page is an especially fine example of the latter behaviour whereby a vicious indubitably racist attack by Somali girls on a white English girl and her boyfriend did not result in a custodial sentence. The strong reluctance of the British state to act against crimes specific to ethnic and racial minorities can be particularly seen in the cases of ‘honour killings’, female genital mutilation and the clearly racist grooming of white girls by Asian men.

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The cost to taxpayers of state handouts could go up and the housing crisis could worsen [PA]

7. The general privileging of racial and ethnic minorities over the native British population. The incontinent pandering to immigrant cultures, especially Muslims, by politicians, public service organisations, large private businesses and much of the mainstream media. The pandering ranges from such material advantages as housing associations which cater only for specific ethnic and racial minorities and a toleration of customs and morals which would be unreservedly declared to be wrong if practised by the native population, for example, the ritual slaughter of animals.

8. The incessant PC propagandising in schools and universities, even in subjects which do not seem to readily lend themselves to PC manipulation such as economics and geography. The most pernicious effect of this ideological corruption of schooling is to effectively rob native British (and especially English) children of their history. This occurs because the general history of Britain (and especially that of England) is not taught (there is no meaningful chronology of British or any other history delivered to children because themes rather than periods are the order of the day) and the history which is covered is heavily slanted towards portraying the British as pantomime villains forever oppressing subject peoples and growing rich on the wealth extracted from them. The upshot is the creation of several generations of native British (and especially English) children who have (1) no meaningful understanding of their history and general culture and (2) have acquired a sense that any praise of or pride in their own land, culture and history is dangerous and that the only safe way to get through school is to repeat the politically correct mantras of their teachers.

9. The piggy-backing on ‘anti-discrimination’ laws to do with race of the other politically correct mainstays of sexual and gender equality and lesser entrants to the equality game such as age and disability. Racism is undoubtedly the most potent of all PC voodoo words and without it the present gigantic edifice of the ‘diversity and equality’ religion would in all probability not exist, or would at least exist in much less potent form.

10. The claustrophobia of diversity. A sense of paranoid claustrophobia (something common to totalitarian states) has been created amongst the native British population by the suppression of dissent about mass immigration and its consequences, by the imposition of the multiculturalist creed and by the ceaseless extolling of the ‘joy of diversity’ by white liberals who take great care to live well insulated against the ‘joy’. The effect of this claustrophobia is to generally reduce the native British population to an ersatz acceptance of the PC message, but the discontent every now and then bubbles over into public outbursts such as those of Emma West. Such outbursts, which are a basic form of political protest, are increasingly visited with criminal charges and jail sentences.

11. The enemy within. The creation of large communities of those who are ethnically and racially different from the native British in Britain produces de facto fifth columns. We are already seeing how countries such as India and China respond to any attempt to restrict future immigration for these countries by making veiled threats about what will happen if Britain does this. At a less direct level of foreign threat, British foreign policy is increasingly shaped by the fact that there are large ethnic and racial minorities in Britain. There is also the growing numbers, especially amongst Muslims in Britain, of those who are actively hostile to the very idea of Britain and are willing to resort to extreme violence to express their hatred, actions such as the 7/7 bombings in London and the recent murder of the soldier Lee Rigby.

12. Violence based on ethnicity and behaviours peculiar to immigrant groups such as ‘honour killings’, street gangs and riots. Every self-initiated British riot since 1945 – that is a riot started by rioters, not violence in response to police action against a crowd of demonstrators – has its roots in immigration. The Notting Hill riots of 1958 were the white response to large-scale Caribbean immigration; every riot in Britain since then has been instigated and led by blacks or Asians. This includes the riots of 2011 in England which the politically correct British media have tried desperately to present as a riot which in its personnel was representative of modern England. In fact, it began with the shooting of a mixed-race man in North London by police and even the official statistics on the race and ethnicity of those convicted of crimes in the riots show that blacks and Asians comprised more than fifty percent of those brought to book.

13. Uncontrolled immigration. The larger the number of immigrants, the louder voice they have, the greater the electoral power. This in practice means ever more immigration as politicians pander to immigrant groups by allowing them to bring in their relatives or even simply more from their ethnic group. This trait has been amplified by the British political elite signing treaties since 1945 which obligate Britain to take large numbers of asylum seekers and give hundreds of millions of people in Europe the right to reside and work in Britain through Britain’s membership of the EU. Britain cannot even deport illegal immigrants with any ease because either the originating countries will not take them or British courts grant them rights to remain because of Britain’s membership of the European Convention of Human Rights. The overall effect is to create de facto open borders immigration to the UK.

14. The introduction of ethnic-based voting. This is phenomenon which is in its infancy as a serious threat, but it can already be found in areas with a large population of Asians. This is a recipe for eventual racial and ethnic strife.


15. The corruption of the British electoral system. Voter fraud had been rare in Britain for more than a hundred years before the Blair government was formed in 1997. This was partly because of the general culture of the country and partly because of the way elections were conducted (with the vast majority of votes having to be cast in person), which made fraudulent voting difficult. The scope for postal voting was extended from special cases such as the disabled and the old to any elector by the Representation of the People Act 2000. The frauds which have been discovered since the extension of the postal vote have been disproportionately amongst Asians. The influence of fraudulent voting could be substantial because around 20% of votes cast in the 2010 General Election were postal.

All of these things gradually erode the fundamentals of British society including immensely valuable and rare values and behaviours such as respect for the law, trust between the population at large, mutual regard and a large degree of tolerance for others. Most fundamentally, the native British, and especially the English, have been seriously deracinated. They no longer know their history and worrying many seem to view their nationality as merely one ethnicity competing with many others. That is a dangerous mentality because no people will survive if it does not have an innate sense of its own worth and fellow feeling for those sharing the same territory. In short, patriotism is not an optional extra.

The British elite since 1945 has been programmed to attack the very idea of nations. Mass immigration has been the tool they have chosen to attain that end in Britain. We have the word of Andrew Neather, a special adviser to the Blair government that the massive immigration (over 3 million net) during the Blair years was a deliberate policy to dilute the native culture of the UK:

“I [Neather] wrote the landmark speech given by then immigration minister Barbara Roche in September 2000, calling for a loosening of controls. It marked a major shift from the policy of previous governments: from 1971 onwards, only foreigners joining relatives already in the UK had been permitted to settle here.

“That speech was based largely on a report by the Performance and Innovation Unit, Tony Blair’s Cabinet Office think-tank.

“The PIU’s reports were legendarily tedious within Whitehall but their big immigration report was surrounded by an unusual air of both anticipation and secrecy.

“Drafts were handed out in summer 2000 only with extreme reluctance: there was a paranoia about it reaching the media.

“Eventually published in January 2001, the innocuously labelled ‘RDS Occasional Paper No 67, Migration: an economic and social analysis’ focused heavily on the labour market case.

“But the earlier drafts I saw also included a driving political purpose: that mass immigration was the way that the Government was going to make the UK truly multicultural.

“I remember coming away from some discussions with the clear sense that the policy was intended – even if this wasn’t its main purpose – to rub the Right’s nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date. That seemed to me to be a manoeuvre too far.

“Ministers were very nervous about the whole thing. For despite Roche’s keenness to make her big speech and to be upfront, there was a reluctance elsewhere in government to discuss what increased immigration would mean, above all for Labour’s core white working-class vote.

“This shone through even in the published report: the ‘social outcomes’ it talks about are solely those for immigrants.

“And this first-term immigration policy got no mention among the platitudes on the subject in Labour’s 1997 manifesto, headed Faster, Firmer, Fairer.

“The results were dramatic. In 1995, 55,000 foreigners were granted the right to settle in the UK. By 2005 that had risen to 179,000; last year, with immigration falling thanks to the recession, it was 148,000.

“In addition, hundreds of thousands of migrants have come from the new EU member states since 2004, most requiring neither visas nor permission to work or settle. The UK welcomed an estimated net 1.5 million immigrants in the decade to 2008.

“Part by accident, part by design, the Government had created its longed-for immigration boom.”

That should be seen for what it was, the most fundamental form of treason, because it is far more damaging than selling a nation out to a foreign invader arriving by military means. Such invaders can be eventually driven out or the invaders assimilated because the numbers are not massive. Mass immigration totalling millions of those determined to retain their own culture can never be undone by such means.


source : Liberty GB. / Robert Henderson 

Muslim students married mentally handicapped women ‘so they could stay in the UK’ – but now one has been deported while another fights for his ‘human right’ to family life with his baby

  • Both women were married in Muslim ceremonies
  • But disabilities meant they ‘did not have the capacity’ to consent to marry
  • Stepfather of one of the women was paid £20,000 ‘in consideration’

The Court of Appeal, which sits in London at the Royal Courts of Justice

Two Pakistani students married mentally handicapped British women so they could stay in the UK with one being deported but the other now claiming he has a human right to family life with his young son, High Court judges have heard.

The first man, who is in his 20s, began a relationship with a woman in her late teens two months after exhausting his rights of appeal.

They were married in a Muslim ceremony in June 2012, but last month the judge declared that marriage a sham and the man was deported.

The second man, who is in his 30s, married a woman, also in her 30s in a Muslim ceremony in late 2011 about six weeks after his application to stay in the UK was refused by immigration authorities.

An anonymous informant had called to tell officials that the woman’s stepfather had received £20,000 ‘in consideration’ of that marriage.


The woman became pregnant ‘almost immediately’ and gave birth to a son in the summer of 2012.

The man is now demanding to stay in the UK, basing his claim on his right to family life enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights.

But in both cases, it has been claimed that the women’s disabilities meant they did not have the capacity to consent to marriage.

Details have emerged in written rulings published on a legal website following separate hearings in the Court of Protection in London. Judges said no-one involved in either case could be named.

In the first case, a local authority had asked Mr Justice Keehan to make rulings about whether the teenager had the mental capacity to make decisions about her life – including the capacity to decide about entering into a ‘contract of marriage‘.

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Mr Justice Keehan concluded that one of the women had the capacity to consent to sexual relations but said she did not have the capacity to enter into a marriage contract

He said social workers became aware that she had begun a relationship with a Pakistani man in his 20s.

Local authority officials and police had warned that the man might commit an offence because the woman was unlikely to have the capacity to consent to sex and marriage.

Nevertheless the couple had ‘entered into a purported Islamic marriage ceremony’ at the man’s home about 18 months ago.

Mr Justice Keehan said the man had arrived in the UK to study in 2009 but an application to stay was refused after an immigration tribunal concluded that he had submitted forged documents and attempted to deceive officials.

‘His rights of appeal were exhausted in June 2011,’ said the judge. ‘It is in this context that he began a relationship with (the woman) in August 2011.’

The judge said that days after the marriage ceremony the man had claimed asylum because ‘he feared he would be killed by his family who disapproved of his marriage to a white British woman’.

He said the man had been refused asylum and deported in August 2012.

Mr Justice Keehan concluded that the woman had the capacity to consent to sexual relations but said she did not have the capacity to enter into a marriage contact. And he ruled that the wedding ceremony she had been involved in was a ‘non-marriage’.

In the second case, a local authority had asked Mrs Justice Parker to make decisions about whether the woman in her 30s had the capacity to consent to marriage and sexual relationships.

‘A Muslim marriage, not recognised in this jurisdiction, was performed between them,’ said Mrs Justice Parker.

‘An anonymous informant had telephoned to state that the (woman’s stepfather) had received £20,000 in consideration of the marriage.’

She said six weeks earlier the man’s application to stay in the UK following the expiry of a two-year student visa had been refused.

He had subsequently applied for ‘leave to remain on the grounds of his marriage’. The judge said ‘immigration proceedings’ were ‘as yet unresolved’.

The judge concluded that the woman lacked the capacity to consent to sexual relations and lacked ‘sufficient understanding’ to consent to marriage.

Mrs Justice Parker said the man was basing a claim to remain in the UK on his right to family life enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights.

‘The reality is that he is now relying on his married and fatherhood … in support of his claim to remain,’ said the judge. ‘So, the reality is that whatever his original motivation, (the woman) is being used.’

She added: ‘(The man’s) position is bound to be self- serving.’

Mrs Justice Parker said the case had been about the woman – not her son. She was told that man wanted stay in England with the baby. She said plans for the little boy’s care would need ‘rigorous evaluation’.

source: Mail Online

Lee Rigby killer Michael Adebowale reveals hate preacher who inspired him to commit shocking murder of soldier

Evil: Michael Adebowale

Evil Michael Adebowale became a Muslim after being brainwashed by a radical preacher who advocates beating women and killing gays.

Adebowale, awaiting sentence for the murder of soldier Lee Rigby, told a pen pal he converted to Islam after listening to cleric Sheikh Khalid Yasin’s lectures which he said taught him “the purpose of life”.

In his first letter since being convicted, Adebowale complained he had been “ill-judged” and had “little support” from fellow Muslims appalled by his sick crimes.

The handwritten note, topped with his prisoner number A0882CY, is dated December 20 – the day after he and Michael Adebolajo, 29, were found guilty of murdering Fusilier Lee, 25, near his Woolwich barracks in South East London.

From his solitary confinement cell at London’s high-security Belmarsh prison, Adebowale, 22, wrote: “The trial has now come to an end and me and my brother in Islam are awaiting till next year as the case was adjourned for sentencing.

“May Allah bless you for your dua’s [prayers]. I have had little support as you can imagine, many people are shocked and many Muslims sadly ill-judged me, but Allah must ‘aan [Allah help them].”

Adebowale, whose mother Juliet Obasuyi begged Lee’s relatives for forgiveness, even whinged that his family did not understand his twisted views. He wrote: “They aren’t Muslim so I never get that ‘click’ with them. May Allah forgive their mistakes.”


Preacher of hate: Yasin brainwashed Adebowale

Preacher Yasin, who calls the Taliban “our brothers” and is linked to the hardline Wahhabi branch of Islam, claims the Koran urges men to “beat women lightly”. He also told Muslims not to regard non-Muslims as friends.

Hundreds of DVDs of Yasin’s sermons were given to would-be jihadists being recruited in Britain’s streets to fight in Afghanistan. American-born Yasin has appeared at universities in the UK, but is now thought to be back in the US.

Yasin once told an audience in Manchester not to record a speech about 9/11 in case it was used by police.

In one film he raged: “The delusion of equality of women is foolishness… there is no such thing.” And a YouTube video also shows him backing the death penalty for gays.

Adebowale told his pen pal he “reverted” to Islam in 2009, around the time he served a 15-month sentence for possessing heroin with intent to supply.

He wrote: “I have been Muslim for nearly 5 years. I have always been a fairly spiritual person and most of my friends at that time were Muslims. So the combination of the two factors caused me to start learning more about Islam.

“The more I learnt the more interested I became which led to me listening to a lecture by Sheikh Khaalid Yaseen. The title of this lecture is called ‘What is the Purpose of Life?’ After hearing this I had to conclude that the purpose of life is to acknowledge and worship the creator.”

Adebowale also said he had changed his name to Ismail “because I knew about the Prophet Ismail from Christianity”.


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Letter: Sent a day after being found guilty of killing Fusilier Rigby

 The killer, of Greenwich, and accomplice Adebolajo, of Lewisham, South East London, claimed they killed drummer Lee in May in revenge for British troops being in Muslim countries.

They ran him over in a car, dragged him into the middle of the road and hacked at him with knives. As Lee lay dying, the pair ordered horrified onlookers to film the gruesome scene.

Adebowale, who refused to give evidence during his trial at the Old Bailey, could now spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Last week it was revealed he had suffered psychotic episodes since the killing and could be sent to Broadmoor psychiatric unit in Berkshire.

The killing has thrown the spotlight on hate preachers after it emerged both Adebowale and Adebolajo were followers of extremist cleric Anjem Choudary.

PM David Cameron has created an Extremism Taskforce aimed at stopping radical leaders inciting hatred.

Anti-gays firebrand

Preacher Sheikh Khalid Yasin rose to notoriety after converting to radical Islam from Christianity.

The firebrand is an admirer of harsh Sharia law and advocates the death penalty for gays.

Yasin, who is in his 60s, was one of 10 children born in Brooklyn, New York. He became a Muslim in 1965 and set up a ministry in the neighbourhood.

He has spoken at UK universities and has lived in Manchester. Yasin also has links to an Islamic broadcasting service in Sheffield.

He has attracted controversy in Australia and parts of Europe. 

source: www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news

Rigby verdict: Attackers should never be allowed to walk free

Two men have been convicted of murdering soldier Lee Rigby in May. His parents Ian and Lyn Rigby told BBC Panorama they do not think Michael Adebolajo or Michael Adebowale should ever be allowed to leave prison.

Drummer Lee Rigby had served in Afghanistan with his regiment, the Fusiliers, who he had joined in 2006 when he was just 19. His unit was based in Cyprus.


Talking to Panorama’s Peter Taylor, Lee’s mother Lyn Rigby said: “I wouldn’t wish anybody to go through the same pain of what they put Lee through, what they put the family through.”

“I don’t think they should be able to come out and walk the streets again.”

Michael Adebolajo, 29, and Michael Adebowale, 22, rammed Fusilier Rigby with a car in Woolwich, south-east London, before attacking him with knives and a meat cleaver in front of onlookers.

Speaking before the verdict, Fusilier Rigby’s stepfather Ian said he had faith in the court.

“You’d love to say you’d like to see the same thing happen to them as what they have done, but you live in a democracy and believe in the justice of this country.”

Mr Rigby said he did not hold Islam responsible for his stepson’s death.

He said: “Muslims do not, in the majority, have the same views as [Adebolajo]. The belief that was put in his brain, does not represent the entire Muslim faith.

“Lee was doing a job, serving Queen and country, and he had a right of safety, to walk the streets of London without being killed in the name of religion or somebody that’s got whatever twisted views on that religion,” he added.

Mr and Mrs Rigby said their son loved serving his country but had struggled to pass the army recruiting process because of his dyslexia.

He failed the entry test twice but his mother said: “He was very determined, he wasn’t going to give up. The two failures before did upset him and it did make him angry but he was always, after a day or so, determined, [saying] ‘right, I’m going to do it again’, and he did.”

She said: “The army meant the world to him. He met a lot of friends and treated them all like brothers. It was Lee’s dream and he always wanted to do it.”

He had nearly been killed when a bullet hit a picture frame next to his bed at a patrol base in northern Helmand province in Afghanistan.

Mrs Rigby said: “He did say once they’d just had a bullet fly past them you know, and it had missed him by inches. He’d phoned home straight after that and said that he’d missed us and that he’d loved us.”

After returning to the military barracks in Woolwich, Fusilier Rigby kept in close contact with his parents.

“He always sent me texts on Mother’s Day. I had a couple of messages from Lee [saying] hope you’ve had a good day, can’t be with you, and I really want to be with you…that he loved me and thanked me for everything, and that I was his best friend. It made me cry that text,” she added.

Ian also recalled the day Fusilier Rigby died: “Lyn had gone to work, and obviously the clips came on the telly of it going on. We found that it’d been going on for you know two or three hours…we knew Lee was in that area.

 Fusilier Rigby was murdered near Woolwich barracks on 22 May

“Normally he’d phone straight away. So when it started happening we tried phoning Lee. [There was] no reply obviously. We tried phoning the barracks, which had gone into basic shut down then, so we couldn’t get through.”

Mrs Rigby only became aware of the attack at work. “It was on the TV in the canteen,” she said. “I actually sat there and watched it, watched it all not knowing. I tried Lee straight away, I couldn’t get hold of him.

“I just thought to myself, it’s got to be Lee because he’s not phoned to say he’s safe.”

It wasn’t until 2am that she found out it was her son who had been murdered.

Mrs Rigby recalls: “I was just going up to bed. So I went to the window, and there were four gentlemen stood there. And I knew then why they were here.

“I went downstairs, put the chain on the door, and asked for their ID cards.

“It’s silly really, but you don’t just open your door to any anybody at two o’clock in the morning.

“It was something that I didn’t want to hear, and I knew then, and I just lost everything after that.”

Watch More Here—>>>https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1448055382084226”

SOURCE: http://www.bbc.co.uk

Europe: Islamic Terror Starts Here *Videos*

It’s no secret that most terrorist attacks perpetrated by those we call “Islamic terrorists” occurred not in Europe or the USA– but in Iraq, Pakistan, Kenya, Nigeria and other non-Western countries. The murders of Lee Rigby or the 52 people killed in London in 2005 are, of course, heinous crimes. But compared to hundreds that die in Iraq daily, a hundred or so European victims of Islamic terrorist attacks in the last 10 years look very moderate. European political leaders, modestly lowering their eyes, hint that this is the result of their wise policy and of the highest efficiency of the police- that is directed and guided by them. The true reason, however, is different. Islamic terrorist leaders simply spare Europe. It is not dangerous for them. Moreover, Europe today is a true paradise for Islamic terrorist leaders, who in total comfort and safety are able to plan, organize and finance terrorist attacks all over the world from the European capital cities.

Before the 70s there was not any “Islamic terrorism.” In all those countries we today call “Islamic,” the governments, understanding perfectly well the danger, were mercilessly crushing all these “Muslim brotherhoods” and any other similar tactics. Muslim groups were illegal, and the ruling governments in Egypt, Turkey, Syria, and Saudi Arabia sent their members to jail without a second thought. Incidentally, the jails in these countries are not like in Norway, Sweden or Great Britain where they more closely resemble 4-star hotels than prisons.

Furthermore, Europe, due to the restrictive immigration policies and moderately strict laws, was closed to them. Islamic terrorism had no future and no perspectives. All that changed in the 70s when Europe became catastrophically humanistic and liberal- and opened its doors to a mass immigration from Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The leaders of the Islamic terrorist organizations very soon discovered that to organize terrorist attacks and to launder money from drug and human trafficking is much safer from Amsterdam, London and Paris than from Cairo, Damascus and Riyadh: lawyers, human rights activists, lax laws…

And the efficiency is much higher.

The main reasons for the growth of Islamic terrorism in the world and the increase in its efficiency are:

• lax immigration policies that have allowed known Islamic radicals to settle and remain in Europe,

• the radicalization of significant segments of the continent’s burgeoning Muslim population, and

• the European law enforcement agencies’ inability to effectively dismantle terrorist networks, due to poor attention to the problem and/or the lack of proper legal tools.

Over 1000 European jihadists have joined the fight in Syria. Many will return home to plan terror attacks. (Photo Source: http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/)

Given these premises, it should come as no surprise that almost every single attack carried out or attempted by different Islamic groups throughout the world has some link to Europe, even prior to 9/11. A Dublin-based charity provided material support to some of the terrorists who attacked the US Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. Part of the planning for the thwarted Millennium Bombing that was supposed to target the Los Angeles International Airport was conceived in London. False documents provided by a cell operating between Belgium and France allowed two Al Qaeda operatives to portray themselves as journalists and assassinate Ahmed Shah Massoud, the commander of the Afghan Northern Alliance, just two days before 9/11. And, as we well know, the attacks of 9/11 were partially planned in Hamburg, Germany, where three of the four pilots of the hijacked planes had lived and met, and from where they received extensive financial and logistical support until the day of the attacks.

After 9/11, as the Al Qaeda network became less dependent on its leadership in Afghanistan and more decentralized, the cells operating in Europe gained even additional importance. Most of the planning for the April 2002 bombing of a synagogue in the Tunisian resort town of Djerba that killed 21 mostly European tourists was done in Germany and France. According to Moroccan authorities, the funds for the May 2003 Casablanca Bombings came from Moroccan cells operating between Spain, France, Italy and Belgium. And cells operating in Europe have also directly targeted the Old Continent. Only after 9/11, attacks have been either planned or executed in Madrid, Paris, London (in at least 4 different circumstances), Milan, Berlin, Porto and Amsterdam.

However, while investigations in all these cases revealed that different cells operating throughout Europe were involved in the planning of the operation, the role of these cells extends beyond the simple planning or execution of attacks. European-based Islamists raise or launder money, supply false documents and weapons and recruit new operatives for a global network that spans from the United States to the Far East. Within the last decade, their role has become essential to the mechanics of the network. It is, therefore, not far-fetched to speak of Europe as “a new Afghanistan,” a place that Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorist groups have chosen as its headquarters to direct operations- with one serious difference: Europe is much safer.

In this situation, large-scale Islamic terrorist attacks against Europe would be counter-productive. This, and not some fantastic efficiency of the Western anti-terrorist groups or even more fantastic wisdom of Western politicians, is the reason for the small number of the terrorist attacks perpetrated by Islamic groups against Europeans on European soil.

Of course, some occasional terrorist strike here and there is good as a reminder: we are here, we can kill you any moment, fear us! But –no more than that, because a large-scale attack would result in a large-scale police response, a harsher immigration policy, more expulsions… And occasional terrorist strikes let the terrorists achieve their goal of keeping the Western population in fear- but without any major reprisals. Moreover: this small number of attacks let the Western politicians go on brainwashing the population, telling it fairy tales about some mysterious “true Islam” that has nothing in common with the “radical Islam” of the terrorists and is absolutely peaceful.

source: Cherson and Molschky / By: Y.K. Cherson

Parliament has no time for 100,000+ signature e-petitions : Just a public spleen-venting exercise!

e petitionCapture

”You wouldn’t believe how busy we are”

MPs don’t have time to debate the public’s e-petitions, a senior minister said  in Parliament, adding nonetheless that it was a nice way for people to express what they were interested in.

The e-petitions website hasn’t quite delivered the utopian future of internet-democracy some might have hoped – out of the five petitions that have passed the threshold 100,000 signatures that they need to be debated by lawmakers, three will be debated and two will not.


Responding to Labour MP Gavin Shuker, who suggested that the nation expected politicians to stand by their vow to debate petitions that hit the signature target, deputy leader of the House of Commons David Heath said:

That was never our intention for the petition site. It is a mechanism for allowing members of the public to express an interest in a matter, and it is for the Backbench Business Committee, which has the time available, to consider that.

Of the three petitions that the aforementioned committee approved, the release of documents relating to the Hillsborough disaster was debated and two more are scheduled: FairFuelUK petition to reduce the price of petrol and a call to include financial education in schools.

The most popular e-petition, to withdraw benefits from anyone convicted of involvement in London’s riots, has not been debated by MPs. And a petition to review the case of terrorist suspect Babar Ahmed, held without charge for seven years and facing extradition to the US, has not been scheduled for Commons debate either.

Heath put the decision to ignore these two topics down to a lack of time, adding that MPs had debates they wanted to schedule too.

The exchange highlighted once again the disconnect between how the public and MPs see the e-petitions site. In a interview with the BBC, Natascha Engel, chairwoman of the debate scheduling committee, said:

The public perception is that once an e-petition reaches 100,000 signatures it will be debated – and there are a lot of people out there who think not only will it be debated but it will be made into law, because the public has spoken.

source: The Register

Rigby was ‘first soldier spotted’

Mr Adebolajo had a blanket over his head for much of the time he was interviewed

The men accused of murdering Fusilier Lee Rigby chose their alleged victim because he was “the soldier that was spotted first”, a jury has heard.

In a police interview Michael Adebolajo said he and co-accused Michael Adebowale decided to wait near the barracks in Woolwich, south-east London, for a serviceman.

Prosecutors say the men drove at and attacked Fusilier Rigby on 22 May.

The men, on trial at the Old Bailey in central London, deny murder.

They also deny attempting to murder a police officer and conspiracy to murder a police officer.


See article on www.bbc.co.uk

How the golliwog went from innocent children’s hero to symbol of bitter controversy

For most people, the golliwog will always be associated with Robertson’s Jam  –  the brand’s smiling mascot and a comforting reminder of childhood.

But times have changed and he is now persona non grata, a symbol of reviled racist stereotyping.

This transformation would have come as a shock to his 22-year-old creator, Florence Kate Upton, who struck upon the character that would make her name in 1895.

golli cartoonCapture

Born into an eccentric English family who had recently emigrated to the United States, Florence studied as an artist in New York, and after her father died in 1889 found work as an illustrator.

But after a trip to London to visit relatives in 1893, Florence decided to stay in England and, hoping to raise money for further art tuition, began to formulate an idea for a children’s book.

‘Offensive’: Enid Blyton wrote about a golliwog negatively

As soon as Florence saw him, she knew she had found her protagonist. ‘As the Golliwogg has always seemed to me to be telling me his own biography, so in the same way he must have told me his own name,’ she later said.

‘I picked him up from the table in my studio, and without intention of naming him, without the idea of a name passing through my mind, I called him ‘Golliwogg’.’

It was a completely invented name and one that at the time had no negative connotations.

By 1894 the first story, The Adventures Of Two Dutch Dolls And A Golliwogg, was completed and was published the following year.

In this tale, the Golliwogg was initially described as ‘a horrid sight, the blackest gnome’, but turns out in fact to be good, loveable and brave, with a ‘kind face’.

Dressed in red trousers with white shirt and a blue coat, he proved an instant hit with the British public, and Florence and her mother Bertha (who wrote the words that accompanied the pictures) proceeded to publish a whole series of Golliwogg adventures.

Twelve more books were published over the next 14 years as the Golliwogg bravely travelled the globe with the Dutch Dolls, Peg and Sarah Jane, in pursuit of adventure.

Never the most commercially astute of families, Florence and her mother failed to trademark the Golliwogg character, and after the books had proved such a hit in Britain and then Europe, Australia and, to a lesser extent, the United States, toy companies jumped on the bandwagon. Slightly changing the name, they released a flurry of ‘Golliwog’ dolls, toys and badges.

These dolls proved enormously popular and only the Teddy Bear was more coveted by children in the mid 20th century. Companies across Europe now began producing the dolls, including the German company Steiff, whose original golliwog dolls from 1908 now sell for more than £10,000.

Discarded: The famous golliwog on Robertson's jam

Discarded: The famous golliwog on Robertson’s jam

Then, in 1910, John Robertson of jam manufacturing family James Robertson & Sons saw some children playing with a golliwog doll and decided it should be the company’s mascot.

Golly first appeared on the Paisley firm’s labels that year, and in the 1920s the company began producing Golliwog badges and enamel brooches which could be claimed by collecting tokens from jam jars.

Featuring golliwogs playing sports and involved in various activities, the badges remained sought after throughout the 20th century. ‘He’s still very popular,’ said a Robertson’s spokesman in 1999.

‘Each year we get more than 340,000 requests for Golly badges. Since 1910 we have sent out more than 20 million.’

As more golliwog toys, watches and dinner sets were produced, the figure became part of everyday life and began to pop up in numerous children’s books.

It was in some of these stories, however, that they fell foul of the unpleasant racist stereotyping that has made the golliwog such a contentious figure in recent years.

Children’s author Enid Blyton is seen as a major culprit, after portraying golliwogs in her Noddy stories as naughty thieves who once pinched Noddy’s prized yellow car.

Meanwhile, the word ‘wog’ began to be used as a derogatory word for black people.

First popularised during World War II, it was uttered by some British soldiers as a slur against North Africans and other dark foreigners, and its meaning spread to include anybody with even slightly swarthy skin.

The origin of ‘wog’ is hotly disputed  –  acronyms such as Wily Oriental Gentleman are suggested derivations, but more likely is that it was adapted from the already well-known golliwog.

However, a few years ago, a study by academics at the Bolton Institute supported the view that ‘wog’ had a separate derivation and that ‘the golliwog, it seems, was not in origin a racist icon’.

By the 1960s, both the use of the term ‘golliwog’ and the dolls themselves were under increasing attack. Seen at best as racially insensitive and at worst as racist and vicious, golliwogs were gradually removed from public life.

In 1983, the Greater London Council banned Robertson’s products from its jurisdiction, and in 1988 the character was no longer use in TV advertising.

The Enid Blyton books’ negative use of the character was toned down and, after holding out for many years, even Robertson’s Jam was forced to jettison Golly in 2002, a decision that was obviously taken with the greatest reluctance.

‘We sell 45 million jars of jam and marmalade each year and they have pretty much all got Golly on them,’ said a spokesperson for the company at the time of the change.

Yet here, more than a century after the character was born, Gollywog  –  or the way the word is used  –  is causing mayhem in a way Florence Kate Upton cannot possibly have imagined.

Woolwich trial: accused shown buying knives and circling scene in car before murder

Jurors are shown images of Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale driving around south London before attack.


Two men accused of murdering the soldier Lee Rigby circled the scene of the killing more than half an hour before the attack took place, a jury has heard.

The two men bought a parking ticket which expired minutes before the attack near Woolwich barracks in south London on 22 May, the court was told.

In images shown to the jury on the second day of the Woolwich murder trial at the Old Bailey, Michael Adebolajo, 28, was shown arriving at the scene in a Vauxhall Tigra containing his co-accused Michael Adebowale, 22, at about 1.30pm.

Around half an hour later the vehicle was used to mow down Rigby before the fatal knife attack, which the jury has heard was like “a butcher attacking a joint of meat”.

Adebolajo and Adebowale are accused of murdering Rigby, a drummer and machine-gunner in the 2nd Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, as he walked back to Woolwich military barracks.

The pair deny murder.

Richard Whittam QC, prosecuting, told jurors on Monday that CCTV images of Adebolajo and Adebowale driving around south London were part of the “agreed facts” of the case.

It is also an agreed fact that Adebolajo purchased a five-piece set of kitchen knives from the Argos store in the Riverdale shopping centre, in Lewisham, shortly before 2pm on the day before the attack, the jury was told.

The court heard that on the morning of the killing Adebolajo went to a petrol station in Lewisham to fill up the Vauxhall Tigra. However, he told the shop assistant that he had no money to pay for the petrol and, when asked if he had any valuables with him, he offered a white mobile phone.

When asked what else he had in his pockets he took out a copy of the Qur’an but, jurors were told, he did not want to leave the Islamic holy book.

“He told the shop assistant he was concerned to pay for the petrol and that she should not answer his phone,” Whittam said.

Adebolajo returned to pay for the petrol in cash shortly before 9am before driving to Greenwich to meet Adebowale, jurors heard.

The pair left Adebolajo’s flat in Greenwich at about 1pm, Whittam said, arriving in Woolwich half an hour later.

They were spotted on CCTV driving near Woolwich barracks, at 1.45pm, circling the area, before parking on Wellington Street at around 2.15pm where they remained until the attack moments later.

Shortly after that time the car had crashed into a road sign after being used as a weapon to mow Mr Rigby down.

The 25-year-old was then hacked to death with knives and a meat cleaver so viciously he was almost decapitated before his lifeless body was dragged into the middle of the road.

Prosecutor Richard Whittam QC read statements made by members of the public who saw the Fusilier’s alleged murder near Woolwich barracks in south east London on May 22.

Saraj Miah, who was seen in a CCTV clip talking with a local shopkeeper near the scene, said after Fusilier Rigby was run over, two armed men got out of the car. One of the two attackers pointed a gun at him when he told them not to kill the soldier.

He said: “I thought that the two black men with knives were going to kill him. I told them not to kill him. They did not listen to me.”

One attacker slashed Fusilier Rigby’s throat while the other stabbed him, the court heard.

“The black man in the passenger seat with knives in both his hands stabbed the fallen man six times in his chest.”

He described the man who had been driving the car walking around “as if nothing had happened”.

Mr Miah said the two men then “threw the body on the left lane of the road”.

“I was very shocked by the incident,” he added. “I could not sleep for two weeks.”

Fusilier Rigby’s widow Rebecca left the oak-panelled courtroom in tears as the statements were read.

Shopkeeper Ibrahim Elidemir shut himself, his girlfriend and two customers inside his store when he saw one of the attackers brandishing a knife after the crash, the court heard.

In his statement, he said: “The incident has affected me very badly. It made me feel very sad. I was very frightened and very scared at the time.”

Adebolajo, 28, of Romford, east London, who has demanded to be known as Mujaahid Abu Hamza in court, and Adebowale, 22 from Greenwich, south east London, who calls himself Ismail Ibn Abdullah, deny Fusilier Rigby’s murder, attempting to murder a police officer and conspiracy to murder a police officer.

Both men have already pleaded guilty to possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence.

The trial continues.

source: theguardian

Trial finally underway! : Rigby killing ‘cowardly and callous’

Court sketch

The killing of soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich, south-east London, was a “cowardly and callous murder”, the Old Bailey has heard.

It was told that Michael Adebolajo, 28, and Michael Adebowale, 22, drove at Fusilier Rigby before attempting to decapitate him on the street close to his barracks on 22 May.

Both are also accused of attempting to murder a police officer and conspiracy to murder a police officer.

They both deny all charges.

There were gasps in court as CCTV footage was shown of Fusilier Rigby being rammed by a car and thrown into the air and onto the bonnet.

The footage showed the soldier walking along the street wearing a Help for Heroes T-shirt and a backpack, before the car veered across a carriageway, hitting him from behind.

Fusilier Rigby
Fusilier Rigby was 25 when he waskilled

The two defendants arrived at court amid tight security and appeared in a glass-lined dock in the Old Bailey courtroom with paper on one side.

Members of Fusilier Rigby’s family were in attendance as the prosecution made its opening statement.

Prosecutor Richard Whittam QC told jurors that the two suspects drove a Vauxhall Tigra “straight at” Fusilier Rigby at around 30-40mph.

He said: “Both men then dragged his body into the middle of the road. They wanted members of the public to see the consequence of what can only be described as their barbarous acts.

“They had committed, you may think, a cowardly and callous murder by deliberately attacking an unarmed man in plain clothes from behind, using a vehicle as a weapon, and then they murdered him and mutilated his body with that meat cleaver and knives.”

Mr Adebolajo tried to decapitate the soldier with a meat cleaver with “multiple blows to his neck”, while Mr Adebowale stabbed and cut him, the jury heard.

Mr Whittam said it appeared that Mr Adebolajo “made a serious and almost successful attempt to decapitate” Fusilier Rigby.

Mr Adebolajo carried a cleaver in his right hand and knelt down and took hold of the soldier by the hair, hacking at the right side of his neck just below the jaw line, the prosecutor said.

An eyewitness described three blows.

At the same time, Mr Whittam said, Mr Adebowale “was using a knife to stab and cut at the soldier’s body”.

Mr Adebolajo, from Romford, east London, has asked to be known as Mujaahid Abu Hamza in court, and Mr Adebowale, from Greenwich, south-east London, wants to be known as Ismail Ibn Abdullah.

‘Children turned back’

The court heard that the men were also armed with a gun, one use of which was to frighten off members of the public before the emergency services arrived.

As the police drove into Artillery Place, where the incident had taken place, Mr Adebolajo raised the meat cleaver above his head and moved towards the vehicle.

Mr Whittam said that meanwhile, Mr Adebowale ran along the side of a wall and aimed the gun at the officers.

Both men were then shot by the police and arrested, the jury heard.

Both men have admitted possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence.

Mr Whittam said the public showed “bravery and decency” in the aftermath.

‘Comfort and humanity’

He said the events took place close to a primary school and children returning from a library visit were turned back by members of the public to avoid the “awful” scene.

Young and old people did witness the event, the prosecutor said, including a heavily pregnant woman who “took refuge on a bus” once she heard gunshots.

One woman went to Fusilier Rigby’s lifeless body and “stroked him to provide some comfort and humanity to what had unfolded”, and others went to see if they could provide first aid, Mr Whittam said.

A woman spoke to Mr Adebolajo “despite the fact that he was still holding the meat cleaver and his hands were covered in blood”, the jury heard.

More details about the suspects’ movements in the lead-up to the attack were also outlined.

The jury heard that on the day before the attack, Mr Adebolajo bought a five-piece set of kitchen knives and a knife sharpener from a branch of Argos in Lewisham, south-east London.


The case continues.

source: BBC NEWS

Dealing with a full deck? :David Cameron promises to ease immigration rules to help out Britain’s curry houses

Big business: David Cameron is shown around the kitchen at the British Curry Awards ceremony at Battersea Park in London

If I wasn’t sure before ,I am now convinced that our Prime Minister is away with the flaming pixies!

 The Prime Minister has promised to ease immigration rules – for the benefit of British curry houses.

David Cameron told the British Curry Awards ceremony at Battersea in London that the nation’s dishes have already eclipsed those in south Asia, where they originated.

Mr Cameron said curry had become part of the British identity and the Government would help tackle the industry’s unique problems, like recruiting from places like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

“Like any industry this one faces its own specific challenges and I know that there have been questions on immigration and getting chefs with the necessary experience,” he said to applause.

“So let me promise you this – we will work through this together.

“We’ll continue to help you get the skilled Asian chefs you need.”

The Prime Minister also vowed to invest in training homegrown chefs through apprenticeships and scholarships.

Well if he intends training home grown Chefs ,why import them?

“I know this problem won’t be fixed overnight – it requires long term commitment on all sides,” he said.

Mr Cameron said Britain’s unique brand of curry was now being sought in the countries it had originated from.

“It used to be that selling curry to South Asia was a bit like selling ice to the eskimos,” he said.

“Well no longer.

“More than 200 after years after the first curry house opened up in this country British made curry is now heading the other way: to Mumbai, to Kolkata, to Delhi.

“From next to nothing a decade ago to huge success today.”

Mr Cameron said the Government was also helping the industry by easing tax burdens.

The British Curry Awards, dubbed the “Curry Oscars”, are an annual celebration of the best cuisine in the industry.

Surprise,surprise! :Halal logo on the shop? : Filthy east London chicken takeaway shop shut down after inspection

Environmental health officers branded QFC

Closed down: Environmental health officers branded QFC

No mention of the word MUSLIM in this article from the London Evening Standard ,but a cursory glance at the shop signage reveals the tell tale HALAL logo !….obviously a muslim business in a high concentration muslim area!


The stomach churning images of the shop interior are bad ebnough ,but surely the rancid smell of all that sickening filth would be enough to put anyone off…perhaps apart from the exceedingly drunk! But then why Halal?….. Muslims supposedly abstain from alcohol ,so they would hardly be drunk enough to eat there!


 Fast food can seem like an attractive proposition after a night on the tiles or a long day at work when you can’t be bothered to cook.

But after seeing this picture of the scene inside one east London chicken shop you might want to reconsider that double fillet burger.

Inspectors for Waltham Forest Council were horrified when they paid a visit to QFC in Wood Street.

The blackened walls inside the fast food shop

Chip butty anyone?: the blackened walls inside the fast food shop and chips strewn across the floor

 They discovered a a mouse infestation in the kitchen as well as dirty floors and extremely poor hygiene standards, prompting one environmental health officer to dub it “the filthiest premises I have seen in a long time”.

Terrible: mouse droppings covered the kitchen

 Cabinet Member for Environment, councillor Clyde Loakes said: “It begs the question, ‘What does the Q in QFC stand for?’ Queasy? Questionable? Certainly not Quality.”

He added: “The fact that mice were running around this kitchen – and from the amount of droppings found, for some time too – just makes you feel sick for anyone who has eaten there recently.”

The fast food outlet was shut down following the inspection on November 18 and will remain closed until officials are satisfied it no longer poses a threat to public health.

SOURCE: London Evening Standard

London ‘slaves’ case: The Maoist past of ‘Comrade Bala’ and his wife, the couple suspected of holding three women against their will

mao CaptureLatest update here—>>http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/nov/21/london-slaves-freed-after-30-years-captivity

  • Suspects reportedly Aravindan Balakrishnan, 73, and his wife Chanda, 67
  • Accused couple ‘were jailed for assaulting a Met officer’ in 1978
  • Neighbour Anthony Mizzi says he saw young child when he delivered post
  • ‘The last time I went round, an African lady in her mid-20s answered the door and she had a young baby in her arms’, he said
  • Lambeth Council ‘were told about youngest victim Rosie, 30, 15 years ago’
  • Councillor claims police passed on a complaint that she wasn’t at school


The couple accused of keeping three women as slaves for more than 30 years ran a communist sect worshipping Chinese leader Mao Zedong, it was revealed today.

The pair, of Indian and Tanzanian origin, are reportedly Aravindan Balakrishnan, 73, and his wife Chanda, 67, whose far-Left activities allegedly led to them being arrested and jailed in the 1970s.

They were held by police last Thursday after three alleged victims – a 30-year-old Briton called Rosie, a 57-year-old Irishwoman and a 69-year-old Malaysian – accused them of years of ‘physical and mental abuse’ and keeping them in servitude for decades.

It emerged today that the couple had helped organise a Maoist squat in a Brixton bookshop.

It was shut down in 1978 when police raided and arrested 14 people there, including the couple.

It is alleged the suspects, known as Comrade Bala and Comrade Chanda to other members, both later served a prison sentence after a conviction for assaulting a police officer involved in the raid.

Between them they were arrested at least eight times during the 1970s.

Scotland Yard and the secret services are believed to have been aware of the couple’s far-Left views.

Their main recruits were like-minded women, who they urged to do ‘revolutionary work’, and their group held lectures, put on films and printed leaflets encouraging the fall of capitalism in Britain, it is alleged.

Their squat – called the Mao Zedong Memorial Centre – also contained a library, and was set up, according to one member, when ‘our beloved Chairman Mao passed away on September 9, 1976′.


Oxford University professor Steve Rayner told the Evening Standard: ‘They were a tiny, very tight-knit group clearly under the spell of their leader “Comrade” Balakrishnan.

Scroll down for video

Premises: This site in Brixton was once the headquarters of the Mao Zedong Memorial Centre – which housed a communist collective run by the slavery case suspects – who are reportedly Aravindan Balakrishnan, 73, and his wife Chanda, 67
Investigation: Police stand guard at the property in Brixton, south London, and are following many lines of inquiry including links to 13 addresses across LondonInvestigation: Police stand guard at the property in Brixton, south London, and are following many lines of inquiry including links to 13 addresses across London



The couple accused of keeping three women as slaves for more than 30 years ran a bizarre Communist sect said to have inspired the TV sitcom Citizen Smith.

The south London-based sect’s ideology was a Maoist variant of Marxist-Leninism and was set up by Aravindan Balakrishnan who called it the Workers’ Institute of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse-Tung Thought.

The institute’s weekly journal – South London Workers’ Bulletin – proudly proclaimed ‘this new development in Britain has taken the British fascist state by storm.’

 His new movement was analysed in a 1978 doctoral thesis by a researcher at University College London who described it as ‘the clearest case of far-left millenarianism which I have encountered – a tiny Maoist sect with about 25 members located in the Brixton area.

‘In 1977 they confidently predicted the world would be liberated from capitalist oppression by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army before the end of the year.’

The group came to broader attention when a diarist in The Times newspaper began reprinting some of their material to amuse his readers.


It’s believed this exposure led to the party being an influence on the fictional Tooting Popular Front featured in Citizen Smith (above) and starring Robert Lindsay as its self-proclaimed leader Wolfie Smith.


Operating out of its he Mao Zedong Memorial Centre, it was closed down after two years following a police raid in 1978.

Balakrishnan and his wife Chanda were charged with assaulting police and sentenced to six months and three months respectively.

By the time of the Brixton riots in 1981 their organisation had gone underground where it remained for more than 30 years until the slave women were freed.

‘Most were foreign students who seemed to have difficulty adjusting to life in the UK. They refused to recognise the legitimacy of the state and maintained a hostile attitude towards the establishment and towards the rest of the far-Left in Britain at that time.

‘Their ideology was profoundly detached from reality. In my article on the organisation I described them as a millenarian sect. Their bookshop in Brixton closed around 1978. I had assumed that they had sunk without trace until this recent news.’

In 1974  Aravindan Balakrishnan was suspended by the Communist Party of England because of his ‘conspiratorial activities’, after he tried to ‘build a clique of people around his line’ and ‘launched a cowardly attack on the Party’, calling it ‘fascist’, a Party report said.

After their HQ was shut down, Lambeth Council gave them social housing, and they moved to the Herne Hill area of south London.

One of their neighbours said they lived there until around 2003, and said she remembered them because a woman had died after falling from their window.

‘I remember three or four of them living there for about five or six years. I remember an Indian man who used to take the women shopping. He always wore a necktie. There was no other man,’ the woman told the Telegraph.

‘They would never speak. We always saw them coming in and out with shopping but they never spoke.

‘One day the police came and told me an older woman living in that house had died falling out of a window at the back. They asked if I had seen anything. I said no and they never got back to me.’

On Saturday Metropolitan police commander Steve Rodhouse said that two of the women had met the male suspect through a ‘shared political ideology’ and lived together in what he described as ‘a collective’.

Sources close to the investigation have said the couple, who arrived in Britain in the 1960s and are now also accused of immigration offences, had kept the women in a ‘cult-like’ home.

It came as it emerged the couple accused of holding the three women in servitude for more than 30 years have been linked to 13 addresses across London.

Police carried out house-to-house inquiries over the weekend in and around Peckford Place, Brixton, south London, where the three women were found.

The south London house was today boarded up.

Council workers began sealing up the windows and doors of the housing association property.

Council officials at the house declined to explain what would be happening to the property and it’s contents.

Shut down: The property at the centre of the slavery case was boarded up today as police still guarded it, but officials have refused to say why Shut down: The property at the centre of the slavery case was boarded up today as police still guarded it, but officials have refused to say why

The number of properties associated with the couple, of Indian and Tanzanian origin who came to the UK in the 1960s, suggests the women may have been moved around London repeatedly over the last three decades.

The youngest of the three alleged victims – Rosie – is said to have written letters to a neighbour, telling of her life as being ‘like a fly trapped in a spider’s web’.

The woman became infatuated with neighbour Marius Feneck, 26, reportedly writing him more than 500 letters in seven years.

One letter tells of how she suffered ‘unspeakable torment’ behind locked doors and windows, and of how she was terrified that her captors – ‘these evil criminals… who dare to call themselves ‘my relatives” – might do something to him.

Rosie also knitted a jumper for Jesse Paddy, 64, and gave it to him with a note that read ‘For my dearest Jesse from Rosie with Love! 2 April 2013.’

Kind gift: Alleged prisoner Rosie knitted neighbour Jesse Paddy a jumper, who said he did not know anything about alleged slavery in the propertyKind gift: Alleged prisoner Rosie knitted neighbour Jesse Paddy a jumper, who said he did not know anything about alleged slavery in the property
Note: Rosie, 30, gave this warm handwritten message to with the garment earlier this year for Mr Paddy Note: Rosie, 30, gave this warm handwritten message to with the garment earlier this year for Mr Paddy

He said Rosie was ‘nice’ and said: ‘She always seemed to be happy when I saw her and we’d have a chat, the jumper was a surprise though.’

Mr Paddy, lived on the same Brixton estate said he would visit alleged slave masters Aravindan Balakrishnan and his wife Chanda in their flat.

He said the elderly couple appeared ‘natural’ and did not come across as ‘slavemasters.’

It emerged that the couple on bail were previously arrested in the 1970s, although police have not said why they were detained.

Police have recovered a birth certificate for the 30-year-old woman, who is believed to have lived her entire life in servitude, but no other official documents for her have been found.

The case came to light after the Irish woman rang the Freedom Charity last month to say she had been held against her will.

First picture: This is the slave held captive by ‘evil monsters’ in a ‘dark dungeon’ of a council house for more than three decades – who wrote many letters to a neighbour
Letters sent to Marius Feneck from 'Rosie' one of the three women held captive in BrixtonLetters sent to Marius Feneck from ‘Rosie’ one of the three women held captive in Brixton

New allegations: Neighbour Anthony Mizzi has said that he saw a baby at the 'slave house' when he popped round last month to deliver some postNew allegations: Neighbour Anthony Mizzi has said that he saw a baby at the ‘slave house’ when he popped round last month to deliver some post

The Met said that part of the agreement on October 25 when the women were removed from the address was that police would not take any action at that stage.

None of the women was reported missing after being rescued, police said. All three are now in the care of a specialist non-governmental organisation.

Some 37 officers from the Met’s human trafficking unit are working on the case, and are sifting throung 2,500 items in 52 bags taken from the mysterious property.

A baby was spotted inside the flat where the Lambeth slaves were held captive, neighbours said today.

Detectives investigating the case – described by Scotland Yard as the worst slavery case in modern history – will probe why a mystery young child was seen at the Brixton address around the time the three women were rescued.

Neighbour Anthony Mizzi, who lives in an adjacent block, said he saw the baby when he called at the home to deliver some post put through his door by mistake.

‘About three weeks ago, I had to go round to the house and deliver some of their mail. The last time I went round, an African lady in her mid-20s answered the door and she had a young baby in her arms,’ he said.

His accusation has been handed to the Met, who are set to interview him this week.

Scotland Yard warned council about ‘slave house’ 15 years ago because youngest ‘captive’ was not at school

Pressure is building on Lambeth Council to fully explain what it knew about the ‘slaves’ as it was revealed the youngest victim came to the attention of social services 15 years ago.

A senior Lambeth councillor, who did not wish to be named, said her adoptive parents were reported to the police because Rosie, who was then 15, was not going to school.

The local authority is going through its records but it is understood a concerned member of the public contacted them via Scotland Yard when they became sure the then teenager was not attending school.

Questions: Pressure is growing on Lambeth Council (pictured in Brixton), to explain whether the youngest alleged victim became known to them 15 years ago when she missed schoolQuestions: Pressure is growing on Lambeth Council (pictured in Brixton), to explain whether the youngest alleged victim became known to them 15 years ago when she missed school

Police then passed on the information but it is unclear if Lambeth did anything with it.

Theory: Met commander Steve Rodhouse has revealed two of the women met the male suspect through a 'shared political ideology' Theory: Met commander Steve Rodhouse has revealed two of the women met the male suspect through a ‘shared political ideology’

A councillor said last night: ‘The police passed the complaint to social services but they said they weren’t prepared to take any action.’

Another councillor, told the Independent the council was ‘playing catch-up with police investigations’.

‘That this family was already known to them is not something that the council has chosen to refute. But something as basic as not followingup on school attendance for such a long period of time invariably asks difficult questions,’ they said.

Leader of the Lambeth Liberal Democrats, Ashley Lumsden, said: ‘We are extremely concerned at the reports we have seen and are looking to the council to explain its involvement from a housing, educational and social services perspective.

‘We want a review conducted promptly and to be published so that we can consider it and so that lessons can be learnt.’

Another senior councillor said  Lambeth’s social services, education and housing departments had all had contact with the household.

Last night Theresa May, the Home  Secretary, said tackling modern slavery in Britain was a ‘personal priority’.

She said: ‘It is all around us, hidden in plain sight. Something most of us thought consigned to history books, belonging to a different century, is a shameful and shocking presence in  modern Britain.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk

Syria conflict: Children ‘targeted by snipers’

Half of the refugees who have left Syria are children

More than 11,000 children have died in Syria’s civil war in nearly three years, including hundreds targeted by snipers, a new report says.

Summary executions and torture have also been used against children as young as one, the London-based Oxford Research Group think tank says.

The report says the majority of children have been killed by bombs or shells in their own neighbourhoods.

It wants fighters trained in how not to put civilians’ lives at risk.

‘Plea to all sides’

Their report, Stolen Futures – the Hidden Toll of Child Casualties in Syria, examines data from the start of the conflict in March 2011 to August 2013.

Of the 11,420 victims aged 17 and under, 389 were killed by sniper fire.

Some 764 were summarily executed, and more than 100 – including infants – were tortured, the report says.

Boys outnumbered girls among the dead by around two to one. Boys aged 13 to 17 were most likely to be victims of targeted killings, the report says.

The highest number of child deaths occurred in the governorate of Aleppo, where 2,223 were reported killed.

Report co-author Hana Salama said that the way children are being killed is disturbing.

“Bombed in their homes, in their communities, during day-to-day activities such as waiting in bread lines or attending school.

“Shot by bullets in crossfire, targeted by snipers, summarily executed, even gassed and tortured,” she said.The data was provided by Syrian civil society groups recording casualties.



The report only considers the deaths of named victims, and only cases where the cause of death could be identified.

But it stresses the figures are incomplete as access is impossible in some areas.

The figures should be “treated with caution and considered provisional: briefly put, it is too soon to say whether they are too high or too low”, the report says.

, November 11, 2013

Children run after a tank driven by fighters from the Tawhid Brigade, in Aleppo.
These children in Aleppo are living in the midst of war

Men carry the coffin of one of four Syrian children who were killed Monday in Bab Sharqi neighbourhood, Damascus, Syria (12 Nov. 2013)

A Syrian woman from the city of Aleppo begs with her daughter Zahra (3) in a wealthy district of Beirut on November 16, 2013

Syrian refugee children stand in front of their tents, at Zaatari Refugee Camp, in Mafraq, Jordan (5 Nov. 2013)

The conflict in Syria has had a “catastrophic effect” on children in Syria, the report says, and calls for all sides to refrain from targeting civilians and buildings such as schools, hospitals and places of worship.

Amongst its recommendations, the Oxford Research Group also calls for access and protection for journalists and others contributing to the recording of casualties.

More than 100,000 people are estimated to have been killed in the conflict.

More than two million Syrians have fled the country; around half of those are believed to be children.

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Syria conflict



al shabab recruitCapture


Extraordinary pictures of British jihadists boasting of fighting alongside Al Qaeda-linked groups in Syria have emerged.

At least seventeen suspected Islamic extremists have posted messages on social media networks about their experiences in war-torn Syria – in a bid to encourage other “British” Muslims to join them. One referred to fighting in Syria as ‘5-star jihad’ because of its ‘relaxing’ nature, and photos glorifying their hate-filled mission 2,000 miles from their homes in London and Portsmouth have been posted online.

Security sources believe up to 350 UK citizens have joined Islamic extremists in deadly combat in Syria.

MI5 is becoming increasingly concerned about the threat posed by extremists who return to Britain from Syria, and might carry out an atrocity here.

British men fighting alongside Al Qaeda-linked groups in Syria have said that after Syria, they aim to take the battle to the United States and Britain.

One group of eight recruits from the UK are fighting with an Al Qaeda-linked militia in the north of the country.

They are taking part in skirmishes on the border with Turkey and some are venturing 100 miles inland in operations around the rebel-held city of Ar-Raqqah.

The group is called the British Kataa’ib, meaning British Brigades.

As well as operating social media accounts that detail their activities, some of the group also operate blogs and even participate in question-and-answer sessions with supporters, often urging others to join them ‘while the path is clear’.

The director general of the security service, MI5, Andrew Parker, has warned of the growing threat posed by jihadists travelling to and from Syria.

It is about time our government, along with the government of the USA, stopped supporting the jihadists throughout the Middle East and instead kept our noses out of a sectarian conflict between Sunnis and Shi’ites that has nothing to do with us.

source: Britain First

Further delays to Lee Rigby Woolwich murder trial!

Once again for some inexplicable reason by way of a cloak of ‘Legalese’ the trial of Michael Adebolejo ,and his cohort Michael Adebowale, in the atrocious slaughter of perfectly innocent Drummer Lee Rigby ,has been postponed yet again!

Not content with the total blackout and the trial being held in secret ,the Halls of Justice and the Government appear to be complicit in a plot to weaken the resolve of those who would protest outside the Old Bailey.

They appreciate fully that many of the protesters come from people within our society who can ill afford the cost of travelling to and from London in order to show their feelings.

So once again the good citizens of this ‘free and democratic’ society are subjected to the mushroom treatment ….by feeding them with a load of bullshit and keeping them in the dark!

 I guess that in keeping with what seems to be a government policy we must be careful not to offend the sensibilities of our  highly sensitive Muslim community?… well we the British people are outraged and offended ,because in any right minded society these two vicious,barbaric murderers would already be behind bars ,serving maximum life sentences with no possibility of early release!

lee rigby trial imagebotTHE trial of two men accused of murdering Fusilier Lee Rigby in Woolwich has been delayed further, the Old Bailey has heard.

The trial had been due to start on Monday (November 21), and was then delayed until today.

It is not yet known when it will now start, although there will be a mention hearing tomorrow morning.

Michael Adebolajo, aged 28, and Michael Adebowale, aged 22, are charged with killing the Fusilier as he walked back to Woolwich Barracks on May 22.

They are also each accused of attempting to murder a police officer on the same day, and conspiracy to murder a police officer on or before that day.

Father-of-one Fusilier Rigby, 25, from Middleton, Greater Manchester, died of multiple cut and stab wounds when he was attacked as he returned to the barracks after spending the day at the Tower of London.

Adebolajo, from Romford in Essex, has asked to be known as Mujaahid Abu Hamza in court, while Adebowale, of Thames Street, Greenwich, has asked to be called Ismail Ibn Abdullah.

Gurkha calls off hunger strike after MPs launch inquiry

A former Gurkha has ended a 14-day hunger strike after a group of MPs announced plans to hold an inquiry into Gurkha pensions and other issues.

Gyanraj Raj has been camped out on Whitehall since 7 November, threatening to starve himself to death.

Mr Raj said his experience was “so hard, so difficult”, and cautioned: “We are yet to win.”

Joanna Lumley, the actress and advocate of Gurkhas’ rights, presented him with a glass of fruit juice to loud cheers.

She said it was “a happy day for all concerned” and told the Gurkhas “everything that you want to say will be heard as a matter of extreme importance and urgency”.

She added she felt sure “nothing is going to be swept under the carpet”.

Gyanraj Raj ends his hunger strike with a glass of fruit juiceGyanraj Raj ended his hunger strike with a glass of fruit juice

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Gurkha Welfare is expected to begin taking evidence before March 2014 and will publish a report “shortly afterwards”.

The MPs will consider not only pensions, but also healthcare, benefits and what are seen as historic grievances.

The government has said that all departments will co-operate fully with the inquiry.

A spokesman for the government said it had been “concerned about the welfare of Mr Raj” and it was “glad” that he has ended his action.

The inquiry is understood to have the prime minister’s support, BBC deputy political editor James Landale says.

It is hoped the move will help reassure around 1,000 former Gurkhas who took part in a demonstration in London earlier this month in support of Mr Raj, who is a veteran from the Nepalese Brigade.

Currently, Gurkha veterans only get a third of that received by their former British comrades.

Campaigners say changes to veterans’ payments would allow many elderly ex-soldiers to return home to Nepal.

Conservative chair of the all-party group, Jackie Doyle-Price, said there were “some outstanding grievances which the Gurkhas are determined to have addressed” and the inquiry would give them the chance to be heard publicly.

The Ministry of Defence says conditions of service have always been fair, reflecting the environment Gurkhas live in.

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Trial for the murder of Lee Rigby begins at the Old Bailey

Lee Rigby

Lee Rigby. Photograph courtesy of the Ministry of Defence

The two men accused of murdering soldier Lee Rigby on the streets of Woolwich earlier this year were due to appear in court today as their trial begins at the Old Bailey.


UPDATE 5.0 pm GMT 18/11/13

Lee Rigby Woolwich murder trial postponed until Thursday

THE trial of two men accused of murdering Fusilier Lee Rigby in Woolwich has been postponed, the Old Bailey has heard.

The trial was due to start today, but will now start on Thursday (November 21).

Adebolajo, from Romford in Essex, has asked to be known as Mujaahid Abu Hamza in court, while Adebowale, of Thames Street, Greenwich, has asked to be called Ismail Ibn Abdullah.


Michael Adebolajo, 28, and Michael Adebowale, 22, are charged with murdering Rigby as he walked back to Woolwich Barracks in London on 22nd May.

The pair are also accused of attempting to murder a police officer on the same day, as well as conspiracy to murder a police officer on or before that day.

Both deny the charges.

Members of far right groups the EDL and BNP have gathered outside the Old Bailey, demanding the re-introduction of the death penalty for Lee Rigby’s killers, calling themselves “Veterans Against the Islamification of the UK”.


Woolwich attack: why was suspect Michael Adebolajo free to kill? Michael Adebolajo was among a group of Islamist Extremists who clashed with police outside the Old Bailey in 2006

The setting was the Old Bailey in 2006, where four men were arrested for fighting with police and photographers as they turned out in support of a fanatic on trial for calling for British soldiers to be killed.

Among those led away in handcuffs that day, still arguing that he was within his rights to urge people to “behead those who insult Islam”, was Michael “Mujahid” Adebolajo. Seven years on, Adebolajo, a British-born Muslim convert, is suspected of having answered the call to arms as one of two men who butchered Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich.

The attack on the soldier, following which Adebolajo talked of an “eye for an eye” as his hands dripped with blood, came seemingly from nowhere, but The Telegraph has established that the killer had in fact been well known to the police and MI5 for years. Far from being a so-called “cleanskin”, Adebolajo was a known extremist with an open MI5 file who was in plain sight all along.

He preached hatred on the streets of Woolwich, where he was a familiar face to many, and turned up at volatile protests all over London.

The violent murder of Drummer Rigby followed a 12-year period of radicalisation for Adebolajo, a former Christian, which began when he was a teenager and involved several run-ins with the police.

Adebolajo, 28, is the son of devout Christian Nigerian immigrants, Anthony and Ibitoye Adebolajo, who settled in Romford, east London, where Michael and his three siblings were born.

Adebolajo went to the local Marshalls Park School and Havering Sixth Form College, where he first became interested in Islam at the age of 16 or 17.

One school friend said: “His parents were extremely strict. They were really devout Christians. They did not let Michael or his brother and sister do anything when they were younger.

“Michael was into his football and was a Spurs supporter. All his friends were white. He was just a normal lad but as he got older he started to go off the rails.

“He was really intelligent and his parents were desperate for him to do well at school but then he got into smoking weed and also started dealing.”

It has emerged that one of his best friends at school was Kirk Redpath, who later joined the Irish Guards where he was a drummer before being killed in Iraq in 2007.

Another classmate said that Adebolajo, known as “Narn”, and his younger brother Jeremiah, known as “Jell”, “changed quite dramatically” after becoming involved with drugs, “then he started holding knives up to people’s throats, getting their phones etcetera. He’d show us the phones he’d stolen.”

But “when he was about 17 he just locked himself in this room with this bloke for a few hours and when he came out he was a Muslim convert. He was spouting all sorts of stuff and said he had changed his name”.

Omar Bakri Mohammed, the “Tottenham Ayatollah” who was thrown out of Britain when he was the leader of the now banned extremist group Al-Muhajiroun, said that he had converted Adebolajo to Islam.

Speaking from Beirut, where he lives in exile, he said: “We used to have a stall on the street in London were we would talk about the meaning of life with passers-by. He stopped to speak with us and we invited him to Islam.

“Because he is a convert I can still remember him. At that time there were a lot of conflicts around the world, and in Iraq and in Afghanistan especially. We talked to him about these and he sympathised with the Muslim people, it seemed. He was in his 20s, a quiet boy who didn’t ask many questions. He used to come to our open talks and speeches.”

His parents tried to keep him out of trouble by moving away from Romford into a smart detached house in Saxilby, near Lincoln, in the very heart of middle England.

His father got a job as an NHS mental health nurse at the Stapleton Road Resource Centre near Doncaster, where he also represents the Royal College of Nursing as its equality officer.

His mother is understood to have had jobs as a teacher and within the NHS. But the move was too late to turn Adebolajo away from radical Islam. He moved back to London, studying at Greenwich University, where he started using the name Mujahid, or fighter for Islam.

Protest: Adebolajo behind Anjem Choudary in 2007 protest

Anjem Choudary, who took over the leadership of Al-Muhajiroun, said: “He was interested in Islam, in memorising the Koran. He disappeared about two years ago. I don’t know what influences he has been under since then.”

Choudary confirmed that Adebolajo was arrested outside the Old Bailey during the violent protest in 2006.

Inside the court on the day, Mizanur Rahman was being tried for soliciting murder and inciting racial hatred during a protest against the publication of a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed by a Danish newspaper.

Adebolajo was among a group of 50 Muslims, many wearing scarves over their faces, who were attempting to interfere with the proceedings with a protest.

Suspect Michael Adebolajo is seen here taking part in a march outside Paddington Green police station in 2007. Photograph: Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP

In 2007 he was filmed by the BBC protesting outside Paddington Green police station following the arrest of another fanatic. He is seen holding a placard which complains of a “Crusade Against Muslims”. He also appears to have influenced his sister Christiana, who also converted to Islam and now lives in Chorley, Lancs.

In the past two years he had reportedly enrolled on a business course at Barking College, living in a flat in Romford and spending much of his time preaching hatred on the streets and urging others to fight in Syria and Afghanistan.

In recent weeks he had been a regular presence in Woolwich, preaching outside shops a short walk away from where Drummer Rigby was murdered.

Mayur Patel, 29, a local, said: “For the last three weeks he had been walking up and down the main street shouting and preaching. It was an obvious sign there was a mad man walking around.”

A 51-year-old who gave his name as Tom said: “I saw him on his own outside the pound shop last week shouting about jihad.

“He was aggressive, trying to draw people’s attention to him.”

Police have searched five addresses in London linked to the suspected killers and the Adebolajo family home in Lincolnshire.

A 29-year-old man and a 29-year-old woman were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder, but police did not give details of their relationships to the two suspected killers.

Members of Adebolajo’s family were either taken from their homes by police or left of their own accord. His sister Blessing, 32, was taken away from her home in Romford, which she is thought to have shared with Adebolajo, before a police search team moved in.