Update from The International Common Law Court of Justice — Trial of Pope Francis, the Jesuits and the Anglicans to commence April 7

Urgent Public Communique and Update from The International Common Law Court of Justice

Issued under the auspices of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)

Saturday, March 29, 2014 , 8 am GMT

Pope Francis, the Jesuits and the Church of England to be Prosecuted for Child Trafficking and Genocide

Vatican attempts Court sabotage; Grisly Evidence Exposed

“I saw Joseph Ratzinger [Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI] murder a little girl”, Eyewitness says


1. The Trial of Pope Francis, the Jesuits and the Anglicans to commence April 7 with Opening Presentation by the Prosecutor’s Office – The Court establishes tighter security after a Vatican-sponsored “black ops” disruption team is dispatched to Brussels.

2. A Public Information Agency is established to publicly disclose the Prosecutor’s evidence during the trial – The first report of the Agency follows.

3. Children’s remains and records ordered destroyed by Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, acting for Queen Elizabeth – Mass graves of trafficked children are identified in Canada, Holland and the United States, and are linked to the Ninth Circle sacrificial cult.

The Secretariat of the Court has today released the following public statement:

Jorge Bergoglio (aka “Pope Francis”), Adolfo Pachon (Jesuit Superior General) and Justin Welby (Archbishop of Canterbury) will stand trial in absentia on Monday, April 7 after refusing to challenge or deny the criminal charges made against them in the Trial Division of the Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.

The Prosecutor’s Office will commence its case against these three chief defendants on that day and will present evidence linking them to the trafficking, torture and death of children, and to the concealment of these crimes.

The Court has delayed the opening of the trial by one week, from its original commencement on March 31, after it received confirmation that a covert operations team has been dispatched by the Vatican to disrupt and destroy the work of the Court. The team consists of paid agents of the so-called “Holy Alliance”, the Jesuit-run spying and assassination agency responsible for the silencing and murder of papal opponents.

The Court has accordingly established new security arrangements for its members and especially its key public spokesman, Reverend Kevin Annett, ITCCS Field Secretary. The Court’s initial sessions will be closed, and conducted at an undisclosed location. However, the Prosecution’s evidence presented to the Court will be made public during the trial through a newly-established Public Information Agency attached to the Chief Prosecutor’s Office.

source: http://itccs.org/

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