Tagged: terrorist attack

9/11 : In Memory Of All Those Who Lost Their Lives And Those They Left Behind.


On September 11, 2001, in New York City the World Trade Center (WTC) was attacked by terrorists. Flight 11 and flight 175 were hijacked and flown into the twin towers. At ground zero, amid all of the chaos, three New York City firefighters raised the American flag as a symbol of freedom. At that moment, Record photographer Thomas E. Franklin captured the unforgettable image that marked the first step for Americans to begin to heal.

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Those who perished in 9/11 will never be forgotten.



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A staircase used by hundreds of survivors as they fled the ruins of the World Trade Center during the 9/11 attacks has gone on show at New York’s National September 11 Memorial & Museum, ahead of the venue’s official opening next spring.

Survivors Staircase

The Survivors’ Staircase forms the centrepiece of the exhibition of artefacts recovered from the World Trade Center.

 A huge, dented piece of the building’s facade, which bore the brunt of the impact of Flight 11 as it slammed into the Trace Center’s North Tower, stands alongside it at the exhibition, which is being held in honour of the 2,996 people who died that day.

Mangled pieces of steel recovered from the burned out wreck of the structure after the attack include the two vast steel columns that originally rose from the base of the North Tower.

Visitors enter to be confronted by the two rusted red columns as they rise into the glass atrium that houses the museum entrance.

Joseph Daniels, president of the memorial and museum, said: “They’re so large – about 70ft tall – that we built the museum around them.


And we should not be forgetful of the heinous attack on the Libyan Embassy in Benghazi and the violent deaths of Ambassador Stevens and his three colleagues, which took place on the eleventh anniversary of the horrendous World Trade Center terrorist  onslaught.


We shall never forget
We shall keep this day,
We shall keep the events and the tears
In our minds, our memory and our hearts
and take them with us as we carry on.

Rice: Investigation into Lies About Benghazi Worse Than Murder of Four Americans

It’s a tradition now that whenever any member of Obama Inc. wants to say something horribly self-centered and inappropriate about Benghazi, he, she or it goes on the Late Show to deliver a line about it being “not optimal” or a “bump in the road” to the sympathetic smirk of Jon Stewart.

Now it was Susan Rice’s turn to explain that the investigation into her lies about Benghazi was worse than the murder of four Americans. And from her perspective, it no doubt was.

Susan Rice Misspeaks: Focus on Benghazi Talking Points ‘Bigger Tragedy’ Than Actual Terrorism Attack | CNS News

There’s always confusion when you have a tragedy of that sort and Americans are killed,” Rice told Jon Stewart on The Daily Show on Thursday. “The bigger tragedy, Jon, is we’ve spent all of these months trying to figure out the origin of some talking points, which were cleared at the highest levels of the intelligence community and, in my opinion, not enough time doing the service that we owe to our fallen colleagues.”

The bigger tragedy is apparently not the crime or the coverup, but the investigation of the coverup.  Note also how Rice uses the passive voice and ambiguous language.  Rather than discussing a murder or a terrorist attack, she talks about a tragedy in which Americans were killed by person or persons unknown.

Just think. This woman could have been Secretary of State.